Hello post here some pictures of model repainted or converted Auran's Trainz Simulator for Railworks
First let's get to the logistic models of each!
ALL (America Latina Logistica)
first picture: Oper_F
second image:Guilu sk8
third image:Ednaldo by 36
Vale or EFVM
first image:Guilu sk8
second image:Kcyre
third image:altair
FCA (railroad center atlantica)
first image:Varg Vikernes
second image:Guilu sk8
third image:altair
MRS Logistica
first image:onslaught 8800hp
second image:onslaught 8800hp
third image:Guilu sk8
Several Logistics GE C30-7 beta
first image: Varg Vikernes (converted and exported the model)
second image: altair
third image: altair
fourth image: altair
fifth image: altair
all model available in Brazil RailWorks